All posts by: RSA

About RSA

Riverside Surgical Associates is a general surgery practice whose goal is to provide excellent specialty care to patients using state-of-the-art surgical techniques, including laparoscopic and robotic surgery. We are dedicated to providing the best surgical and non-surgical care to our patients.

Doris “Dot” Pliskin, MD Retires

With mixed emotions, Riverside Surgical Associates announces that Dr. Dot Pliskin has decided to retire.  Dr. Pliskin was the first female general surgeon in the Merrimack Valley.  She has served the Lowell community for the past 37 years.  She is well loved and her patients, the staff, and the doctors she worked with over the … Continue reading

November 12, 2017

Tobacco Use and Wound Healing

Smoking and wound healing do not go together.  Oxygen is needed for your tissues to heal after surgery.  Tobacco use decreases the amount of blood, oxygen, and nutrients that go to your wound. Nicotine increases the risk of blood clots and decreases the ability of cells to help wounds heal and fight infection.  Any amount … Continue reading

November 2, 2016
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